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Welcome to the Philosophy of Epicurus

Epicurus (341-270BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher and sage who founded Epicureanism. He established his school of philosophy known as the "Garden", in Athens. He is said to have written over 300 works, but most of these writings have been lost. From a few remaining collections and from later authors, his teachings continue to inspire and guide those who so desire, toward a life filled with wisdom and happiness.

"Let no one put off the love and practice of wisdom when young, nor grow tired of it when old. For it is never too early or too late for the health of the soul. Someone who says that the time to love and practice wisdom has not yet come or has passed is like someone who says that the time for happiness has not yet come or has passed. Young or old, it is necessary to love and practice wisdom, so that in old age you can be youthful by taking joy in the good things you remember, and likewise in youth you can be mature by not fearing what will come. Reflect on what brings happiness, because if you have that you have everything, but if not you will do everything to attain it."

-- Letter to Menoikos by Epicurus

                    (translated by Peter Saint-Andre)


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